Raccoon Removal
Ground entry points for raccoons: Decks , Sheds, hot tubs.
A good way to find Raccoon entry points is to take a walk around the outside of your house looking closely at where the house meets the ground. Are any of the vent covers Damaged or removed ? Have any doors been left Ajar particularly the basement or rarely used garage door? Is there missing or muddy siding? Are you seeing any digging, dirty spots, or loose boards or lattice? Any of these signs can point you to a possible entry point on ground level. You should do an inspection like this During the spring and fall at minimum. Doing such an inspection a few days after a fresh snowfall is also a great way to find an active den, thou the animals living there normally may be stuck at another den site for the time being.
Raccoons are a creature of habit, they tend to get into somewhat of a routine. Raccoons will have a latrine site close to where they are living. Raccoon latrines are dangerous and precaution should be taken when working around them. The Raccoon page talks more about this. Raccoon trails are easy to spot on clean surfaces the muddy foot prints are easy to identify.
Below is a series of pictures taken in Connecticut showing a raccoon latrine and trail leading onto a deck. The home owner informed me that a woodchuck was living under the deck. My original call to this site was because the house smelled like skunk. Skunks have taken up residence with the hibernating wood chuck. I have captured five skunks from under this deck, job is ongoing at this time. I believe that raccoon may be in the same woodchuck den, yet the breeding skunks spraying inside the den may have forced the raccoons to remove themselves for the time being.