Animals in Attic
Common wild animals in attic include squirrels, mice, rats, raccoons and bats. Occasionally, we find Chipmunks, opossums, birds and snakes.
Squirrels in Attic
There are two species of squirrel commonly found in attics, in Connecticut. They are the Southern flying squirrel and Eastern Gray squirrel. Less common is the red squirrel or pine squirrel. The Southern flying squirrel typically live in attics, and walls, the colder months fall through winter. They will leave by spring, and you may think your problem is solved. Only to return in the fall in greater numbers.
Southern flying squirrel
If Southern flying squirrels are living in your attic you will hear:
- Noises are at night between the hours 10 PM – 5 AM, loud enough to wake you from a sound sleep.
- Noises are concentrated towards the soffits, and outer walls. May also be heard in the walls.(Flying squirrels like tight spots. But will explore the whole attic)
- Sounds hopping like a rabbit.(Because of their extra flap of skin flying squirrels hop)
- Noises that sound like acorns being dropped down the wall.(Flying squirrels store a lot of food in their nesting areas.
- Some nights, nothing is heard others unbearable(flying squirrel colonies will not always all be together at same time, some nights. Maybe two squirrels others nights 30+ squirrels)
Gray squirrels
When gray squirrels live in your attic you will usually hear:
- Noises early-morning until dark
- horse like gallop
- Frantic scratching for a few days then quiet(female squirrels will prepare their birthing site and will not move a few days after giving birth)
- fighting(young gray squirrels will play fight while their mother is foraging)
- loud chewing(typically young squirrels just prior to leaving the nest for good can cause massive damage to wiring and structure)
Raccoons in Atiic
In the spring female raccoon will break into attic to raise young. Raccoons are opportunists and may break in at any time. Entrance points are usually gable vents, attic fans, and soffit venting, but are capable of ripping roofing off to gain access. Common sounds:
- Loud sounds like a human is up there.
- Chirping bird like sounds(baby raccoons make these sounds)
Bats in Attic
Starting in early spring to late summer little and big brown bats seek homes in your attic. Common entrances are gable vents, bats need a very small opening entrance can be hard to find. You may hear the following in your attic:
- Squeaking mouse like sounds.(bats will yell at one another, especially when jockeying for position to leave roost just after dark)
- Shuffling scratching sound.(Just before dark. Getting ready to leave the roost)
- a thump then shuffling.(early morning dawn. Bats landing in crawl into roost in attic)
Mice, Rodent, Rats in Attic
Can be at any time of year, fall and winter are the peak time for rats in attic. There are three species of mice found in attics in Connecticut. These are the house mouse, white footed mouse, and deer mouse. White footed and deer mice look and act similar.
White footed mouse
Sounds can be confused with flying squirrels.
- Light running sounds.
- Dropping things such as acorns.(Store food like flying squirrels)
- Loud chewing.(Tend to eat nuts under insulation on sheet rock acting like a speaker)
- Scratching(nest making under insulation on sheet rock ceiling)
House mouse:
Same sounds as white footed mice, except tend to stay in a 30 foot area or less. Do not have large caches of food like flying squirrel and white footed mice.
What wild animal is in my attic?
Many of these attic animals have very similar behaviors, and it can be difficult for someone who is untrained to determine what is up there. Sounds are a good indication, but are not foolproof. A full picture is needed. Are there any droppings. What size are the droppings, and where they located. Is there trails in the insulation, is insulation compressed, or chewed. The size and location of the entrance is a big indicator also. In conclusion, it is a good idea to have a professional inspect the exterior and interior of your attic to determine the problem animal. We will get rid of the animals in your attic and seal off their entrances so they do not come back, call now 860-510-6313.