Snapping Turtle Control
Snapping Turtles live in all Connecticut towns. Snapping turtles are recognized for their hostile personality and sharp beak, which can inflict troublesome bite wounds. The snapper will usually escape confrontation when in the water, if interrupted on land, the animal will strike rapidly by reaching forward and snapping with their beaks. Usually not a problem unless children and pets are involved.
The snapping turtle definitely is the biggest freshwater turtle living in CT. An adult common snapping turtle may reach greater than 60 lbs (growing up in North Haven one was taken out of a pond behind my house nearly 70lbs). Average body weight is within 12-30 lbs. Snappers stay in the water most of the time. They prefer shallow ponds, lakes, and slow moving water.
Snapping turtles are omnivorous eating plant and animal matter such as fish, frogs, ducks, and smaller mammals. They are really effective scavengers and tidy up dead fish and animals.
Snapping turtles lay eggs in the Spring. She will usually dig her nest during the night or in the morning. Nests are usually located in an open, sandy spot near proximity to vegetation. The hole normally is four to eight inches deep. The turtle will deposit between 12 and 38 eggs. Eggs Are similar size and shape of ping pong balls. The turtle eggs hatch by early fall.
Why people request to have Snapping turtles trapped and removed?
Turtles can sometimes become a nuisance in practically every body of water. Any body of water with a sufficient food supply will do. During the spring they lay eggs, and may be seen in flower beds or crossing roads. People with Koi ponds are the most common call. A snapping turtle will eat Koi and anyother fish. Inground pools are not immune to a visit from a snapping turtle, yet this is not common.
Property damage turtles inflict.
In residential situations, many issues occur when snapping turtles discover a man made fish pond containing koi, goldfish, or pet ducks. During the spring they may dig in mulch beds to lay eggs.
These man made habitats are prime targets for many predators including raccoon, muskrat, and turtles. Snapping turtle is a sneaky predator, it is not unusual for them to go unseen for some time as they gradually diminish the fish, and resident ducks (particularly ducklings) If you have a duck missing a leg, snapping turtle would be the number one suspect.
Connecticut turtle removal & turtle control.
Snapping Turtles are a great natural resource. For this purpose, the suggested method of managing problems is to trap and relocate the turtles which are generating the damage. There are many different ways to trap turtles depending upon the situation at hand.
If you need a professional turtle trapper or snapping turtle removal in CT area then give us a call 860-510-6313